It is so common for clients to express to their therapists that they want an alternative to psychiatric medication for their mood or anxiety disorder. They either want to work it out in therapy or try something natural. They share that they don’t want to be dependent on medication and that they fear side effects.
Since the 1960s when psychiatric medications were first introduced, the main medical approach to treating mental health concerns has been through prescription medication. Many clients have seen great relief from taking SSRIs for depression, or stimulants for ADHD, but the question still nags out there, is there another way?
Integrative Treatments as an Alternative to Psychiatric Medication
Dynamic Health Collaborative is lucky enough to have Dr. Tamarah Chaddah onboard on our team, and she has opened up a new world of possibilities. She conducts brain chemistry testing, known as the WALSH Protocol, to identify imbalances of micronutrients in the brain. Since these micronutrients are the precursors for most neurotransmitters in the body, it has been shown that correcting these imbalances improves mental health symptoms.
It might sound too simple, but as I investigated this protocol I began to see how it could be so effective. If we believe that neurotransmitter imbalances are a factor contributing to mental illness, then using a heroic dose of nutrient supplementation (either orally or through IV) can correct the final imbalance that occurs in the neurotransmitter.
The test will help distinguish the different types of imbalances that may be going on.
Types of Brain Chemistry Imbalances Identified by WALSH Protocol
Type 1
- Chronic depression
- Perfectionism
- Addictions
- Phobias
- Seasonal allergies
- Frequent headaches
- Autism diagnosis
Type 2
- High anxiety/panic
- Low libido
- Sleep disorders
- Nervous legs/pacing
- Hyperactivity
- Dry eyes/dry mouth
- Mania
Type 3
- Poor stress control
- Fearfulness
- Severe anxiety
- Tendency to stay up late
- Delay or skip breakfast
- Extreme mood swings
Type 4
- Hyperactivity
- High anxiety
- Insomnia
- Frequent anger
- Skin sensitivity
What does the WALSH Protocol Test Look Like?
It’s actually pretty simple. A blood test is ordered, looking at specific chemical factors, and a urine sample is taken to be analyzed in a lab. It takes about a month to get the results, but once completed you will meet with Dr. Tamarah for a follow-up and she will share the findings with you.
Does this sound like something you are interested in?